Monthly Archives: October 2013

The good and the bad about an Android computer

Almost everywhere you see, you find a girl or a guy flashing an Android device. This technology has made a great mark in telecom world and is now invading our homes in the disguise of computers. It, nevertheless, must be admitted that it is one of the finest boons of technology.

The great thing about a WOLVOL Android Computer is that it enjoys top apps and gives the users a complete access to various kinds of tools and games. This computer has an operating system which is enjoying the highest popularity in the current era. The computer, as such, has many other advantages. It is light in weight. In fact, it is super light in weight. There are two reasons behind its lightness. Firstly, the computer is very small in size, thereby automatically prompting loss of weight. Secondly, a few features have been removed from this computer in order to make it lighter and cheaper. The end result is that the product becomes a more practical one and can be bought by people of all means. To bring the smile back on your face, the features which have been removed are basically those which are either frivolous or too advanced. They often lie neglected in a conventional computer.

WOLVOL Android Computer is priced to perfection. So, it is light, portable and economic. Another merit is that it is available in multiple hues. The bad thing about such a computer is that it can make you an addict. But addiction and obsession are things which are entirely personal to a human, and technology cannot be precisely held reprehensible for the same.

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Posted by on October 5, 2013 in Shopping



What are the advantages of buying a WOLVOL Mini Netbook?

Gadgets and humans go hand in hand today. In an urban settlement, it is difficult to find a family which is untouched or uninfluenced by gadgets. In general, almost every family has as many mobile phones as the number of members (sometimes even more). Earlier, a family used to have one computer installed at a small corner in the house. But now things have come to a scenario where, like personal mobile phones, computers too are getting personal. So, people mostly have their own personal computers which can often be carried to places and used or accessed at any desirable time. WOLVOL Mini Netbook is a gadget which is small and can be bought for each member of the family.

But before you raise your eyebrows, here are the advantages which it comes with:

  • Small and light: Being a mini netbook, it is very small in size. That automatically makes it comfortable for carrying. The convenience also gets heightened by the fact that it is light in mass.

  • Highly portable: WOLVOL Mini Netbook is one of the most portable devices in the world. The combination of low weight and small size works in its favor and has helped it top the selling charts on numerous occasions.

  • Genuinely priced: The product, despite all its features, games and apps, is not ridiculously expensive. Rather, it is genuinely priced and its cost is very well within the reach of an average customer.

Overall, the product offers multiple functions and can be used by people of every age.

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Posted by on October 3, 2013 in Shopping

